All posts by howtoforgetagirl

Importance of Time Management during JEE preparation


One cannot state the importance of time enough, especially when talking of exam preparations. Let me attempt it for you.

Gone are those days, when success was defined in terms of ‘number of hours’ spent preparing. Frankly speaking, take away the practice equivalence from ‘no. of hours’, it becomes an overrated entity. Smart work was and will always be the key to excel. Time management has a major play not only during preparation, but also on the ‘Big Day’. One poor decision in time, on the day, can take you ranks away from your dream. Most of the students spend years trying to make up for this mistake. Although there’s cure to every bad decision, prevention is always better. This is what separates ‘smart work’ from ‘just hard work‘!

Talking Broadly, Preparation time = Practice Time + Concept Building Time

‘Practice time’ is when you solve problems. ‘Concept building time’ consists of ‘First time reference’ as well as ‘Doubt clearing sessions’.

Be Fair: Each one of you has a favorite JEE subject which you can study all day long; stop right there! Don’t skip the ones you don’t like. You won’t have this privilege on the judgment day. You need to be fair to all your subjects. So, you have to divide the practice time fairly between Physics, Chemistry & Mathematics. Subject needing more attention will resurface during concept building time (in the form of doubts).

Be Smart: You’d assume great pride if you are amongst the few who could crack a really difficult JEE problem. If you’re able to solve it in max 10-12 minutes, hats off!! Anything more than 10-15 minutes is simply a waste of time, however. After all, this real tricky problem is going to fetch you the same score as a rather simpler one. Only the simpler one does it faster!

Devote Time: Respect the questions you are unable to solve at the first go. Keeping them as a doubt for later reference would be a smart move. This will be critical for building concepts. Doubts can be your best friends as well as worst enemies, depending on how you deal with them. Enemy or Friend, they will always find you.

Improvise: There are many right ways to reach the result. Obviously, staying ahead is the key. Always try and find the shortest robust solution to a problem, especially when you’ve solved it comfortably. This can be done through peer discussions & looking up study material.

Experiment: A very frequently asked question is what should be the sequence of attempting the question paper. Best way to work this out is by experimentation. Through this, you can discover your most comfortable sequence. Stick to the same sequence on the day of exam.

Stay Fit: A healthy ‘Biological Clock’ is of utmost importance during any test preparation. Try not to stay up too late; examinations are always conducted in broad daylight. Never sleep during odd times. Keep physically fit through a balanced diet.

There are two kinds of test takers: those who have enough time & those who never do. You know best!

How should we prepare for IIT?

Do’s and Don’ts for JEE-Aspirants

DO’s to Succeed in IIT-JEE
Regular self study for minimum 7-8 hours a day from day one which should be increased gradually. Irregularities will lead you to failure.


Stick to coaching modules. First solve them completely and then go to one more reference book or study material.


Join test-series of any reputed coaching and take each test seriously. Develop your own strategy during a test and follow it.


As the months pass, increase the time of revision sessions in your study planner. Ideally after 3 months of learning you should devote a week for revision


Memorize all the formulae, as they are as important as learning the concept, they will save a lot of time in the examination.



Try to achieve consistency in your performance and improve it slowly.



Always use study tables for long duration study sessions. It will prepare you to sustain the pressure on the Last Day.


Study in slots of three hours, which will help you a lot during the real JEE. 

DON’ts for IIT-JEE


Avoid irregularity in your study pattern.
Don’t go beyond syllabus. Do not jump from one to another book in order to search for new problems in the same chapter.
Do not focus on reading books like Morrison Boyld,  Resnick Halladey Kane etc. These books are not at all required for JEE. (discuss with your teacher)
Don’t miss any classes even when you know the chapter, as while listening to it again you will revise it and will definitely learn something new.
Don’t study the entire night as you will feel sleepy during the day.
Hope it helps
All the best

What is the best way to prepare for IITJEE?

Coaching institute: Needless to say, going to a good coaching class is very important. What is a good coaching institute  depends on the city where you are living. Get the material, and also pay attention in class. Do not go to tech-savvy places where they just give you a tablet and ask you to view the lectures… I had old-fashioned JEE profs who used to make learning fun, and they used the blackboard.

Coming to the timetable part. Since there are so many topics to study, there is no point in me detailing a topic-wise timetable. Instead I will give you a few points to keep in mind while making a timetable.

Planning: The key point about preparing for IITJEE is planning. You must have a clear idea of what you are going to do tomorrow and also have a broad idea of what topics you are going to cover in the next 3-4 days, or maybe even a week. By clear idea, I mean, for example, you must be absolutely sure which sections of which chapter you are going to read up, which problems from which textbook you are going to try out, and how many of them you aim to complete as well. Further, clear idea means you must know at what time of the day you are going to do which of the tasks planned on that day. You should spend some 15-20 mins before you sleep everyday, outlining the tasks for tomorrow and the time slot for each task. Having regular study hours is very useful in this context. By broad idea, I mean you must know that in the next 3-4 days, you must finish chapters XXX in subject YYY and their corresponding problems from book ZZZ. Also, at the end of each day, review mentally what were the things that you did, and what are the pending items.

Choice of subject:  Ideally, never do more than one subject per day. This is especially so, when you are doing new chapters. This does not apply when you are revising/brushing up.  This is because, if you study for 6 hrs a day, for example (not everyday! that would be impossible with school and coaching class and all that (unless you are in a integrated coaching school)) , it will take at least 30-40 mins to get into the groove for any new topic/subject. So, once you are in the groove, after spending 30-40 mins, do not waste it by just studying that subject for another 1 hr or so in the rest of the day. I am not telling you to continuously study 6 hrs… best to do three 2 hr slots in a day (for 6 hrs). You shouldn’t waste the momentum gained in the first 30 min of the day by changing subjects 2-3 times: then you are wasting thrice the time in just gathering momentum for each subject. There is one exception though. Some chapters have so much dry mugging up to do (some units in inorganic chem for example) that you can’t do all of it in one day.. your brain will heat up! In that case, better to do some problems from math/physics for a part of the day after you have had enough of mugging stuff.

Theory: It is best to start a chapter/unit by studying the theory. Do not start with problems and think that you will learn the theory as the problem demands. Finish the theory off thoroughly. For example, I would take circles and parabolas as one segment of Conic sections and finish learning thoroughly all the formulae/concepts involved. Only then would I start attempting problems from circles and parabolas. You must be able to tell all the concepts/formulae from memory before you start attempting any problems.

Problem-solving: Please, please start with easy problems. Do not straightaway try to master the hard problems, it will not work. Firstly, doing the easy problems will help you verify that your concepts are correct, and you are using them correctly. Secondly, it will set your brain along the correct path of thinking required for that chapter/unit. Thirdly, and crucially, it will build your confidence. Doing hard problems first, and not getting them right will shatter your confidence. Then gradually raise the level, go to medium , and then to hard. In many JEE materials, if the problems are not already classified, then the first few problems are easy, and the last few ones are hard,  with the difficulty level gradually increasing.  If you do not get a problem , please spend as long as possible to get the solution by yourself. Do not immediately refer to the solution manual. This way, you will subconsciously internalize many ideas that would not have come to you if you gave up on the problem after just one/two attempts.

Time spent on studying: You don’t really have to slog 6-8 hrs after school and coaching classes on weekdays. You’ll die. Study maybe 2-4 hrs depending on how much time you have… but study effectively. No point sitting for long hours if your concentration levels are low throughout. Stay away from noise, crowd, people while studying. Some people (like me) require absolute silence while studying, while some may require some pleasant music. Find out what works for you. Weekends, try spending 6 hrs (three 2 hr slots), and maybe a bit more if you don’t have any weekend coaching classes.

How to prepare for IIT-JEE

A Story About IIT JEE…..

What is the feeling just after taking the JEE Advanced?

AMAN GOEL, AIR 33, JEE Advanced 2013, IIT Bombay…
It’s more of a description of the JEE day for me

June 2 , 2013 was the day for me.
June 1 , 2013 – it was a beautiful day. It rained slightly and we all were happy that the weather is not that hot.
By evening, I had packed my bag with all the relevant documents , pens , etc.
Next, I went to sleep at my usual time – 10.00 PM
I felt restless.
Couldn’t sleep at all.
Something scared me – something was going in my mind – something that didn’t let me sleep at all.
I became worried – “what if I am not able to sleep now and what if I feel sleepy tomorrow during the exam ? ”
I Explained the situation to my mother who was still awake.
She told me to mentally read “Hanumaan Chalisa” and told me that I will fall asleep if I read it.
I tried it but still couldn’t sleep.
Meanwhile I realized that it’s 12 and I am still awake.
Finally don’t know how, but I fell asleep.
At around 1 o’clock, the phone rang – I was extremely irritated. It was my uncle who wanted to wish me best of luck for the next day. I was frustrated a lot – “why on the earth did he call me NOW. Didn’t he get any other time ?”. Anyway , I talked to him – ended the call – murmured something to my mom (I was angry because she didn’t put her phone on silent mode).
Finally I had fallen asleep.
Next day I woke up at 6.30 or something (I don’t remember exact time).
It was a horribly hot day – sun shining brightly right on the head.
It was so hot – I was sweating already.
We were worried because today was “the day”.
I got ready within half an hour or so. Left home at 7.15 with my father (Keeping some time extra in case car breaks down or something unexpected happens).
Reached within 30 minutes to the centre because it was a Sunday morning and there was almost no traffic.
I was practically the first student to reach there (there were a few although).
It was so hot – I was sweating. Father gave me his handkerchief as well (besides my own).
Finally after a lot of wait , it was time to enter the examination hall.
Went inside.
Prayed to God to make the things go well.
I remembered all my past achievements – in order to gather strength – the mental strength to boost my confidence.
I was a bit scared by now.

But then I thought (I am putting the exact words) – “You have worked hard – extremely hard. You cracked those olympiads. If you are scared today , then who the hell isn’t scared. Come on man – you have fared well in the toughest of the FIITJEE’s tests – you can do it. Do it for your mother and father – make them proud man – come on.”

Yes!! these were the exact words (in maybe a jumbled order) – I still remember them.
Speaking all these to myself gave me a lot of confidence – A LOT OF CONFIDENCE indeed.
Meanwhile the invigilators started distributing the papers. We were instructed not to break the seal of the paper until instructed to do so.
I completed the OMR (personal details).
Realized that it was a 180 mark paper with negative marking everywhere – that scared the hell out of me !!
Any ways – Started with physics – Did quite well – couldn’t do 1 integer type question because it needed some sort of series expansion and I couldn’t figure it at that instance.
Physics went well.
I had left a few questions though.
Moved on to chemistry – “TOUGH”, I said to myself – it was indeed very tough for me – all theoretical questions with negative marking everywhere – it was difficult to do.
Anyway, it went on
I was sweating like anything
I had 2 handkerchiefs.
By now both were soaked with sweat.
I realized that maybe OMR gets damaged if sweat falls on it.
So, I safely kept it in the desk provided.
Paper went on. After some 1.30 hours, physics and chemistry were over.
Time for maths – “WHAT IS THIS ??” – it was very tough for me – I wasn’t that strong a maths – Paper seemed to be slipping from my hands.
Any way – the painful 3 hours ended.
I came out
soaked in sweat with 2 wet handkerchiefs – maybe stinking (Yes – I literally seemed to be in a beggar like state).
The paper banged me – heavily
My face was down.
Then I saw my father.
Seeing my face my mother said – “Was the paper bad ? Will you get IIT Kanpur CS at least ?”
I said nothing – didn’t have words to explain.
My parents then realized that I have screwed the paper – screwed it badly.
I was taken to the car.
My mother gave me cold water – poured some drops of gulabjal into my eyes.
She sat on the back seat of the car and I lied on her lap – disheartened.

Then my father came to me – “Son. Listen. I know the paper was tough. I can read it on your face. But do remember that the paper was tough not only for you – but for everyone – if you cannot do it , no one would be able to do it. Your score might go down but your aim of an under 100 rank will go nowhere. So relax. You are a TOPPER my son.”

Those words gave me immense strength. I realized the importance of his words. Each and every word was indeed true.
I haven’t screwed the paper. It was tough but I didn’t screw it – everyone must have done badly. So, I kept calm.
Meanwhile mother took out the tiffin and gave me my lunch.
Then, she gave me some fruits.
I felt relaxed. We got some cold drinks and finally I was back in the race.
I realized that I should keep calm. I should not do the same in the second paper. I should not lose my calm at any cost.
Finally, I entered the hall once again for paper 2.
Again attempted in the same order but this time a bit more careful.
Again the negative marking in the multiple correct questions bowled me completely.
Physics and chemistry were over.
Came to maths.
Clean bowled.
Made 1 bubbling error as well.
Chemistry was tough – now maths again!!!
Scared I was completely.
Next comes the interesting part
2 minutes left
Stuck on a paragraph in maths
Bell rang
Paper collection begins
High pressure and heat
Fortunately I was sitting in the corner seat and it took time for the examiners to collect my paper.
In those 2-3 minutes, I managed to get that paragraph – “CORRECTLY”
Well , this way ended a journey of 2 years.
Paper 2 went way better than paper 1.
Although I was disheartened a bit.
Came out – met my father.
Finally went back home.
I realized that my rank may go beyond 500 – Trust me I never thought that I would end up with what I got.
Then when I reached home , my sister was present at home.
I was sad – my parents and sister cheered me up.
Finally I got a call from my friend Kartikeya asking me how I did.
Then my sir called me up and asked how the paper was.
I mailed him the photograph of the copy of my OMR sheet.
I explained him that the paper went bad.
Extremely sad and depressed – But finally it was over so I was relieved a lot.
I remember I didn’t eat anything that evening – “I was crying – literally crying alone” – “What have you done ? You have completely spoilt the paper. Forget your dream. Forget IIT Bombay – forget CS”.
Believe me – there were tears in my eyes at that time. Yes I was crying!!
Somehow ate something and slept.
My parents didn’t say anything to me – I told them to leave me alone and they know that when I am sad, I need some time with myself – Only myself.
Got up next day. By that time, my sir had checked my answers and also got reports of how other students performed. I was still asleep.
Woke up – saw that my father is extremely happy – I was shocked!!
He told me – “Manoj sir called us. He is saying that you have done very well with respect to others. Under 50 rank is sure under any circumstances”.
I didn’t believe him – he must be saying that to make me cheerful.
Then I called my sir – He told me all the statistics which he had gathered.
Aaahhhh – sigh of relief. He told me that my score would be in the range 290 – 300.
I didn’t expect a good rank with that score but then he went on – “I got reports of very few (fiitjee) students who are scoring that much. You have done very well. So keep calm”.
That statement made me feel happy – I felt relieved. I talked to my friends and found that indeed I had performed very well with respect to others.
Any ways – It was all over and I was convinced that I am in the top 50s for sure.
And cherished the moments when the result came
IIT JEE is a beautiful journey – a journey that will leave a mark in your life – an awesome journey that will teach you a lot – patience , motivation , confidence , perseverance , accepting defeat , fighting spirit and many more good qualities that will help you throughout your life.
You won’t experience another such journey in your life.
Enjoy it now.
All the best.
That was my story.

Aman Goel
AIR 33 in JEE Advanced 2013